Is it Monday already?
Once again, I am late for posting this week's Baking Beauties challenge. It's never because I am late at completing the challenge... it's just that the weekends always speed by and the next thing I know, it's Monday morning and I am cursing that I now have to rush to complete the post.
As most people, I find mt mind is in a complete fog on Monday mornings, so please excuse any randomness in this post.
Okay, back to the good stuff. The TLT (Larry T) Salad. During the summer, when the weather is smok'n and our family is trying to survive in our home (that does not include air conditioning), the thought of turning on the stove or the oven just disgusts me. We often eat a "Big Salad" (a la Seinfeld) for dinner. It's healthy, it's filling and it keeps us cool.
This salad was exactly that. I might be lying a little, since I did have to use the oven to bake the croutons and bacon. But, the croutons were easily prepared the evening before (when the house got down to a respectable temperature).

I absolutely loved the dressing for this salad. I used the tiny bit of basil that grew in my garden this summer (it caught a horrible disease that left most of the leaves discoloured and inedible) in the dressing. It was so fresh and tart and just what I like in my vinaigrette.
The entire salad was a hit. In fact, this was the third time making it since we bought Bite Me. It definitely won't be the last either.